
Born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, I am a passionate filmmaker with a diverse range of experience spanning commercial, documentary, experimental, and narrative work. Over the past decade, I have honed my skills and showcased my time-based and photographic creations in various countries, including Ethiopia, South Africa, Burkina Faso, the USA, France, and Canada.

My creative journey revolves around the exploration of the convergence between traditional indigenous African and Ethiopian mediums and contemporary technology-driven platforms such as cinema, photography, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). I am deeply fascinated by the possibilities that arise when these ancient and modern storytelling tools intertwine, enabling the discovery of new narratives, engaging audiences in profound ways, and fostering community values, understanding, and tolerance.

In this pursuit, I delve into the contrasting sensibilities present in the cultures from which these mediums originated. On one hand, there are the values of moderation, reverence for nature, and communal living that have been cherished for centuries. On the other hand, there are the values of individualism and superfluous comfort facilitated by advancements in technology. I question whether these sensibilities are mutually exclusive or if they can coexist harmoniously. Moreover, I am keen to address the problems prevalent in modern society that could benefit from the wisdom embedded in indigenous cultures.

In today's world, where many Africans often look to the West as a beacon of aspiration, traditional practices that have served as the bedrock of African societies are rapidly fading into obscurity. It is my personal mission as a filmmaker to document, retell, and reimagine African stories, ensuring their relevance in an increasingly developing global landscape. I firmly believe that cultural identity should never be compromised in the pursuit of progress and that it is possible to embrace both modernity and heritage.

Through my work, I strive to bridge the gap between ancient traditions and contemporary realities, offering a fresh perspective that resonates with audiences worldwide. By embracing the power of storytelling and the rich heritage of African cultures, I aim to inspire a renewed appreciation for our collective roots, fostering a greater sense of belonging and cultural pride. Together, we can shape a future where development coexists harmoniously with cultural preservation, enabling societies to thrive while staying grounded in their authentic identities.